High concentration, elegant in the mouth, long on the palate. Pure apricot. A wine with muscles and power. Dense and sophisticated. Never loud but subtle and discreet. No botrytis, spontaneous fermented, 36 hours on the mash with berries, bottled in October 2017. Once upon a time Krems was afflicted by a horrible famine. But there was still one rich winemaker who had vineyard but nothing to eat. When he heard of a farmer who owned a dog he swapped his best vineyard for this dog to get something on the table for his family. Since then this vineyard is called Steiner Hund (Dog), where a stoneloaf of bread still reminds of the big famine.SPONTANEOUS FERMENTATION. 36 HOURS MASH TIME - 300M HIGH; SOUTH FACED ON 10 TERACESS IN A BAY; CONGLOMERATE; 0-1M LOAM WHICH SAVES WATER VINES 16-80 YEARS OLD – A FARMER SOLD HIS DOG FOR THIS WINEYARD
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Steiner Hund